25122 Regal Drive

Abingdon, VA 24211



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About Us

The Washington County Service Authority (WCSA) is the third largest water and sewer utility in Southwest Virginia. 

WCSA serves approximately 21,000 water connections and more than 2,000 wastewater connections in Washington County, Va., and surrounding areas. 

The WCSA water system consists of approximately 900 miles of water line, a new (2014) 12-million-gallon-per-day surface water treatment plant, a 2.5-million gallon-per-day membrane filtration plant, two springs, one well, 26 pump stations and 24 water storage tanks. The wastewater system consists of approximately 100 miles of wastewater collection lines, 29 lift stations and two wastewater treatment plants. 

WCSA is a political entity chartered under the Water and Waste Authorities Act by Washington County. Though our roots go back 100 years, WCSA was chartered in 1953 as the Goodson Kinderhook Water Authority (GKWA) and then formed in 1976 via the consolidation of Washington County Sanitary District No. 1, GKWA and Manhaim Water Company.

Our goal is to provide exceptional water and wastewater service at a reasonable cost to our existing customers, as well as expand our water distribution and wastewater collection systems to provide these services to growing and unserved areas of the county.