Complex project provides clean and reliable service for residents in high-altitude area of Washington County
For more than a decade, WCSA has worked to bring reliable water service to the residents of the Hidden Valley area of Washington County. After many years of preparing and acquiring funding, along with two phases of construction, the nearly $1.4 million Hidden Valley Water System Extension Project was completed in late 2021.
In 2009, several residents contacted WCSA about the possibility of public water service along Hidden Valley Road. A study determined water purchased from the Russell County Public Service Authority (PSA) would be the most feasible method of serving this area. WCSA established an agreement with Russell County PSA, acquired user agreements from residents and began the funding application process for Phase 1 of the project.
Funding was received for Phase 1 in 2013 and construction took place in 2015 and 2016. Water line was installed from a new connection at the Russell County line along Porterfield Highway, and northward along Hidden Valley Road at approximately 2,500 feet in elevation. Phase 1 provided water service to approximately 30 residences.
In 2018, WCSA applied for and received funding for Phase 2, and construction began in 2020. Phase 2 involved the installation of 7,700 linear feet of water line and two pump stations, and established water service for 29 homes in the highest areas of Hidden Valley.
The entire project provided a dependable water source for residents in a very high-altitude area of Washington County, which presents construction challenges and the need for pumping equipment. These residents no longer have to deal with dwindling water supplies in dry periods or frozen service lines during winter, and are now provided with clean water free from iron or bacteria.
Members of the Hidden Valley community recently gathered with WCSA representatives and other stakeholders at
Chestnut Grove Community Church for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Hidden Valley Water System Extension Project. Pictured from left to right are Steve Sproles, WCSA project inspector; Ken Taylor, WCSA board member; Johnny Dotson, Hidden Valley resident; Ben McFall, McFall Excavating; Gene Martin, Hidden Valley resident; Brad Humphrey, Virginia Department of Health; Angela Wolfe, Mount Rogers Planning District Commission; and Ronnie Nunley, Hidden Valley resident.