25122 Regal Drive

Abingdon, VA 24211



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How Long Does a Water Project Take?

How Long Does a Water Project Take?

WCSA’s water line projects are crucial for providing access to public service for Washington County residents. These projects are also important for updating existing infrastructure to ensure customers have reliable service for many years to come. Over the past...

Hidden Valley Water System Extension Project Completed

Hidden Valley Water System Extension Project Completed

Complex project provides clean and reliable service for residents in high-altitude area of Washington County For more than a decade, WCSA has worked to bring reliable water service to the residents of the Hidden Valley area of Washington County. After many years of...

WCSA is Offering Free Vacuum Breakers to Customers

WCSA is Offering Free Vacuum Breakers to Customers

As mentioned in the November issue of WCSA’s “In The Pipe” newsletter, water in a garden hose can be drawn back into our water supply in many ways, creating a potential risk for backflow of contaminated water into our homes, wells, or neighborhood or municipal water...